Thursday, December 31, 2009

Recap Of Year 2009

The year 2009 has been a fateful year where I had the most fun of all years in school. All the wonderful stuff that happened and also the the life changing ones. This is as far as I can remember.....

Jan-- Started school be answering Jojo's call for help in SPBT and met all the awesome SPBT gang. This is also how I started to join SPBT Club and being involved actively in SPBT work.

Feb-- Started to sosialise with people and made friends. Wasn't such a bad month as far as I can recall.

March-- The starting of a very much busy year. Koko registration. Lots of meeting. Held 3 posts. Life is still good then. Found a person to poke, Jesslyn. CF camp was wonderful. Worked at the MPH warehouse sale at the Mayang Plaza. Got annoyed by DURIAN, starting of an awful experience with the irritating DURIAN.

April-- Regularly stayed back for PBSM meetings. Poor me and KK always get it from our ahem* president.. =) DURIAN annoys me further, finally asked the all so friendly Jesslyn to be my girl friend for one week to GET RID of THE ahem* ahem* DURIAN. Stayed back almost everyday. Afternoon recess meeting doing well... PBSM camp was early this month, am camp comm.

MAY-- Doom month of mid-year... Exams and holidays... A lot to plan.... Marching during holidays...

JUNE-- Marching continues... Hong wei and Han xiang caught my attention most, mostly Hong wei who simply cannot march in front of girls... hehe... Continued normal routine.

JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER-- Life continues normally... The frequent staying back allowed me to meet the form 1 probates while they're preparing for their installation. This is followed by an awful incident that I had previously posted. I was neglected and stabbed in the back by people that I never would expect (but I do forgive you, don't expect me to do well with you though) I do thank those friends who supported me in this dark time.. This incident or event led to a change that I hope it never happened, I became easily angered and care much about what people say (though they sometimes do it for fun unknowingly offended me) I'm really sorry if I'd ever yell in your face. But life goes on... I had to make most out of it...

Ohh.. I met Phei Fern sometime in July I guess... I joined the Chinese society's 'party' which I ended up doing PA there, wonderful time indeed. Joined the Leo installation with May Kwan. But it is my most regret to have fallen sick and missed these events- National Bible Knowledge Quiz, Interact installation, PBSM BOD bbq party( all on the same day) and Kem Muafakat. Since I can't make it for camp because my mum is afraid I might fall sick again, I went to the Librarian Trip which was an awesome experience we had soooo much fun. Things back slided a bit though after that...

And then doom for the form 3's PMR started... Did some silly things at that time.

Oct-- Exams... I totally cramped last minute for the final year exam... Those that are not satisfactory went up, the good ones went down... GRRR... Moral remained the same.. Things got better a bid.. I guess... Finally decided to revive the pool in front of the hall and was officially called the SPBT garden. Did much gardening and fishes from my house were brought there. Beautiful plants were planted.. The teachers did a very great job!!

Nov-- Still busy with the pond... Had a very busy time.. especially with the recollection of SPBT books, giving of form 5 SPBT books and dodge ball competition.. Joined the form 3s occasionally.. Left for Kem Kepimpinan... It was unique in its own way... Then it was pretty much of slumbering at home..

Dec-- Perhaps the most interesting month of holidays... Went to Pulau Langkawi to meet up with my cousins there.. Not the ideal exploring trip that my father and I will take but its pretty much okay... The after that I have visiting relatives from Hong Kong. It's great to see the aunties and uncle again.. Then it's just slumbering again~ And took of my braces so I'll have to wear retainers from now on... And ya.... I'm posting about the entire year.

Some family events are not included, CNY and cousin's graduation.*
Some school events have also been left out, Hari Kecemerlangan Akademik, Sports day, Teacher's day and Hari Koko. And of course Merdeka Celebration.

**I will never forget the wonderful times I had with you. Your laughter and kindness will always be in my heart and mind. The good times are unforgettable.... And to wrap it up, I still like you~

******************Finished at 11.59pm 31-12-2009***************

The Last Day

Ohhh.... The last day of 2009.... How sad it is to leave this wonderful year behind.. Next year will indeed be full of change.. Teachers are changing, school's administration is also changing I certainly hope that my friends will not change nor my luck so far.
What else can I say, I have to perpare myself for something I've neve liked, to prepare for the unexpected.
A toast to 2009!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What An Experience

Offft.... What an experience I must say... On this very day, on much unwillingness, I visited the place I had to go once every month.. The dental clinic.

Today mark a milestone in my life, today is the day that my braces are coming off.. Hehe... Nice ehh..? After 2 whole years of wearing that metal thing that fortifies my teeth, its coming off today. However the process is not a pleasant one.

The dentist took something that looks like a pliers and start to twist every bracket she had put up long time ago. It felt as if she is actually plucking my teeth out. Then she changed to another 'pliers' and started scrapping what left of the cement off.. I keep having the fear that all this will actually make my teeth drop off.

Then she started scaling my teeth, exchanged to the polisher, and then to the pliers like scraper and scaling again. This process of taking off the cement actually took around one whole hour. And for one whole hour I have to cope with the fear that my teeth will drop off. How scary...

This is one experience that I will not want to go through again... And for those still wearing braces, your turn will come.. EHEHEHEH~

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Navy Show Case 2

Next on the list is the destroyers. Destroyers are fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to escort larger ships in a fleet. Destroyers usually plays the role of anti-submarine and guided missile launcher.

Below is a US destroyer with a classic 20th century US design, USS Winston Churchill.

Cruisers are vessels that are larger than the destroyers but smaller than battleships. Cruiser was a navy's long-range "force projection" weapon, while the larger ships stayed nearer to home.
They fire long range missiles and anti-air as well as anti-ship. Cruisers in WWII are very much like Battleships just that they have different roles and sizes.(Note* Cruisers have higher towers and are longer than destroyers)

There are only 3 countries operating cruisers now, the US, Russia and France.
This is a US guided missile cruiser, the USS Port Royal.

A US cruiser firing a tomahawk missile.

Battleships are the largest surface combatant in the navy. However due to their slow movement and large size, they are decommissioned on reserve, thus making the cruisers the largest surface combatants. IN history, there's only one when they were recommissioned, during the Cold War.
Some of them served as museums because they have historic value. Such as USS Missouri.
After modernisation, the carry anti-air, guided cruise missiles and retained their gigantic cannons. In war, they usually provide off-shore bombardment and target elimination by missiles.

The good old fateful USS Missouri. She is widely known for her contribution during WWII and the Cold War. But the most historic value of this ship is that the Japanese leaders surrendered on the deck of USS Missouri during WWII thus ending the war.

The firepower of USS Iowa.

Next are the amphibious assault ships. They have a flight deck that main supports helicopters and VTOL's. They also have assault carriers that can be employed to assist ground troops. They have a 'well deck' that can be lower for assault ships to be deployed. (Note* Amphibious assault ships are different than aircraft carriers, they have very different designs and different roles too)

Here are the six amphibious assault ships of the US Navy.

US amphibious assault ship the USS Bataan.

An Air Cushioned Landing Craft entering a Amphibious Assault Ship.

Finally, we have the biggest ship in the entire fleet, the lead ship in any expeditionary force, the aircraft carrier. There are different kind of carriers, some are VTOL's carriers some are helicopters and most of them are aircraft carriers. Basically, the aircraft carrier is the most important and the most feared ship in the entire fleet. This is because of their devastating air attack capability. They have squadrons of fighter jets on board, 4000+ personnel, air-attack(most important, because at high risk of air attack), and of course an entire armada as it's strike force.

The world's first nuclear powered aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise with a French aircraft carrier.(Note* US aircraft carriers are all supercarriers, so they are generally bigger than other aircraft carriers from other countries)

USS Nimitz, a 'new' supercarrier to the US Navy.

A Japanese helicopter carrier.

A Royal Navy SVTOL aircraft carrier.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Navy Show Case

In conjunction with LIMA that was officially launched today, I have decided to show you all about type of ships in the navy. This will also be my first post with pictures after such a long time.

The RMN( Royal Malaysian Navy) and other countries navy usually have offshore patrol boats as the smallest vessels in their fleet. It is usually not heavily armed, but is armed with machine guns and a small cannon at the bow. It sometimes also has a landing deck at the stern. This is a German boat that has similar design of a RMN patrol boat. And a US Coast Guard patrol boat.

And the US Navy's USS Firebolt

Next we'll have corvettes. They are vessels that are bigger than patrol boats ( 500 tons ) but smaller than frigates ( 2000+ tons ). It's main purpose is to safeguard the country's waters from pirates or unwanted visitors. It's armed with a small cannon at the bow, missles and anti-aircraft. Some even have sea to surface missles. It also has a landing deck at the stern. THe following is a Singaporean corvette the RSS Vengeance.

And this is the RMN's Laksamana class corvette KD LAksamana Tun Amin.

And finally the biggest surface ship in the RMN fleet and perhaps the smallest in the US Navy, the frigate. A typical frigate's job is to protect the country's waters by providing reasonable firepower. A frigate is usually armed with a cannon in the bow, anti-aircaft missles and cannons and also sea to surface missles. It also has a landing deck at the stern. THe following is a older version frigate of RMN, Kasturi class frigate from RMN. One from the Republic of Singapore Navy and one from the US navy. (respectively)

RMN's KD Hang Tuah,

The newer Kasturi class frigate, KD Kasturi
(Didn't put the newer Lekiu class frigates because the photos are not that pretty)

The Republic of Singapore Navy's RSS Intrepid

The US Navy's USS Brooke

Monday, November 30, 2009

New Phone~

Ahh... Finally, after months of delay and about four months of using my temporary one, I finally got myself a new phone... Hehe..

I kind of like the Nokia one, but good ol' faithful was dropped in a river and the screen died. So I've been using a Motorola phone for the past four months or so. Then finally after so much of nagging telling me to get a new one, and after such a long time looking for one, I've finally laid my eyes on a not so expensive Sony Erricson.

It was last Saturday when I went to Digital Mall while my father is getting a problem about the printer done. Then after that my mum asked me to look for one while I'm there. With much discomfort, I sat down at the booth and started looking. Then I saw this phone with the price agreeable by my father and the functions agreeable by me. Though I wanted a better one, this is good enough. hehe.. So I've settle with my current phone.

Let's hope it'll continue to be in good condition and function well until I've graduated. Hehe...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Back From Kem Kepimpinan

This year's Kem Kepimpinan or perhaps Kursus Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan Kelab dan Persatuan is quite fun I must say. Of course it's different from last year's because different people went for it...

Well, basically this year's really focus on leadership skills with a lot of team building activities being done. Leadership attributes were also taught. The basic duties of a AJK and the way of planning activities were also told. Another important thing is the Chain of Command in co-curricular activities.

On the other hand, games were quite ok... Though we had to walk extremely long distance to get there. The time that the rain will fall is basically like last year's, just that in smaller quantities. Dodge ball match is where everyone enjoyed most. Haha... In the same old muddy field again. Vinser really owned everyone.. The lookout tower that we went last year collapse when we got there this year.. Sad isn't it.. I also get to know my friends and know how to appreciate them.

However, there were a few things that is different in a negative way. Last year, the procedure and format of writing letters were clearly taught. Last year, everyone was very creative and the bond between us was strong. We had games during our free time, all of them were introduced by the participants. We even had a outing after the camp a.k.a Scandal Camp.

But nonetheless, this camp was successful and of great fun and joy. I really enjoyed it. I thank everyone who made this camp as it is. Pictures are on facebook!! Ohh... I sort of twisted my arm while throwing a ball during dodge ball, at least it hit someone... Sook Ven.. hehe...

To be a great leader,
first you have to be a great follower.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Well, the result of the super fun and exciting dodge ball competition is.... Sore body...

Haha.. Thats right.. People will usually have strained muscle or muscle pain resulting of the lack of constant stretching and usage. Dodge ball is a game of agility not to mention accuracy, so basically a lot of people will have muscle pain.

A little different from the others, my muscle pain was result of direct ball hit on the muscle while it is in full use... For example, the ball hit my thigh when my leg is in a L shape. Sadly I'm having arm and leg pain now.. Hehe..

But still, dodge ball was indeed fun...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dodge Ball !!

Yeah!!! Dodge ball!! Suddenly dodge ball has become the game among us... Even the girls loved dodge ball.. haha... As part of the after exam games, inter-class dodge ball competition for both guys and girls were introduced to us.

It started yesterday with most classes playing 2 matches while 2 classes get to play 3 a day... Right from the hour school begins everyone is high in spirit, all wanting to grab the winners title. Unluckily for me, it's also the Form 3's returning SPBT books day, I'll have to help out.(Because of this I nearly missed one game and missed the entire match with 4D) With helping out, I myself have to keep an eye out just in case my class is playing.

The matches weren't so bad. It's quite fun actually. Throwing and dodging balls. The guy's matches are very much different from the girl's. We have more players on the field around 18, while the girls only have 10. Our balls are so fast that you best avoid it, the girl's is like playing passing with other team's player catching the ball just thrown.

Though we manage to scape through into the semi-finals we lost to 4Br. They were good no doubt about that. But then there's some controversial part about the player's actions. And also the ref's. Our best game is the one with 4Ix. Mainly because they're the class we always have PJK with, and it so happened that it is our PJK time as well. All of us were shouting PJK PJK. As the finishing cry of the 'round' discussion, they shouted PJK instead of Goooo 4IX. Interesting ehh..

Ohh our girls team is undefeated.... They are the best! Yeah! Go 4A girls. We have MSSD net ball players, MSSD tennis players, MSSD badminton players and even MSSD athletics. We owned every team we played with. We were the one that you will see with no players with the killer even when the match is over. THe girl's team won every game all the way to the finals. What's more is that they won every match too! 3 with each class and 2 in the finals.

The outcome is Boys: 1st 4L, 2nd 4D Girls: 1st 4A, 2nd 4K?
This competition had foster relationship not only among classmates, also with students from other class. I'm sure that everyone enjoyed it very much.
Pn Chew happened to treat the entire class with Domino's Pizza and a can drink each too!! Thank you Pn Chew!! You are the best!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hah!! Exams just finished!! Yeah and I'm enjoying it.. haha...

Today I went to TC and watched Surrogates.. haha... I watched it with Hilary, Erin and Daryl.. Exam just finished two days and I'm already out watching movie.. yeah!! I wouldn't comment about the movie because it depends on your taste and your understanding of the movie.. But surrogates indeed is a short movie.. Very short movie in fact, less than 2 hours. Well, at least we enjoyed ourselves.. hehe..

I noticed somehow I can see the future sometimes... Through dreams, imagination or just a strong gut feeling.. For example before going to TC I thought about my father bringing us there to eat dinner and we really went.. While in the car I felt that maybe i'll meet Hilary and gang there, and you know what they were eating in the same restaurant as we are! Ahaha... Amazing ...

Friday, October 23, 2009


After weeks of preparation.. 3 weeks of extreme stress and depression... Now come a time when you can shout...... FREEDOM!!!!

Yeah!! NOw I only realise that Form 4 examinations are so so so much different than Form 3... It's a real killer... You'll spent hours and hours just to get one simple chapter in your head.. Hours just to answer a paper for a subject... And that's only one.. Your G-2 will drain so fast that you can't believe that you just brought it a week ago... NOw that's a typical Form 4 exam.

There's one good thing too... All this add up to extreme stress, pressure and depression. However when it's all over... The joy you'll experience... It's indescribable... You'll be overwhelmed by the relief and happiness... That's how we all felt today...

For such a significant event of joy and happiness in such a hard year to go through, I dedicated this post, the 100th post to freedom and the end of exams.... =)

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I'm quite sure I put this post for a reason...

Most probably, I think is because of the results I got back... If that's the case it must be because of my poor maths and sejarah marks..

Maths was horrible this time, too many mistake I guess.. Didn't study the last few chapters also.. Failure.. Sejarah was horrible too... So few people getting A...

All the 'not good' subjects went up.. If went up already still not satisfactory that is another case. But all my 'good subjects' went down!! Terrible!!!! They're so high up and now they're so low... Haiz...

I seriously died... Guess it's studying at home for me this holidays...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Let down...

Haiz... Add maths paper 2 for me was........................................................................

Ahem* I think you know what I mean... hehe... The first part wasn't so bad... Should be able to get more marks there... Section B and C was the horror... Pure horror... 6 questions all are compulsory...

All the question contains 10 marks... They looked very simple.. The diagrams and all... You also will know this is the way of finding.. Then... Aiya.. Lack of information.. And cannot find.. If you can't do one.. You can't do the rest that follows.. So ya... 10 marks gone...

And the area of sector is like so easy.... But I can't radian, so gone.. The two questions that follows can be done, but I need the answer from the first question.. See how they relate the entire thing together? Arggh.. 10 gone..

But then idex numbers is the only question in section B and C that I got high marks.. hehe... Don't you agree people? Index is the easiest.. hehe.. Why can't they put 2 question on index ehh? hehe...

So ya.. I've let so many people down.. I already know my marks tonight.. Thank you for Sms-ing me Pn Zurina.. Got improvement.. But paper 2, I failed.. Haiz.. What a let down to my freinds.. haiz... Lack of practise, this is what you get.. I've let my Form 3 friends down too.. Haiz... Add maths... My death contract.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gave up

OMG!!! Biology is not easy... Pn Zainun... Noo...

The question was so unexpected... Suddenly washing powder came out.. The essays are not good.. I didn't expect this kind of essay question to come out... The pictures given are not clear, I hope I didn't see wrongly and put a wrong answer..

NOT good... 4 days to study and that's what I get? It's terrible.. I hope my marks won't be too bad.. Or so at least not lower than mis term's.. My gosh... Very uncertain... Ohh well... A even more terrible subject tomorrow, Add maths...

Doomm... Totally give up in Bio...

Back To School With Bio

Ahhh... After 4 days of holiday, it's time to go back to school today and face the last weel of exams!! hehe.. However I wasn't able to study much during this 4 days.. Unfortunately.. I just can't focus..

Suddenly I'm oh so excited to finish exams and enjoy the last day... Hmm... Biology as the only subject this morning.. I hope I'll be able to secure an A again this time.. Hope there will be no question that I don't expect it to come out.. hehe...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Finally, Rest

Ahh... Finally the second week is over!! Ahahah... Rest and relax people!!!

Yeah, you just can't believe how stressful 3 weeks of exams can be.. For me, I had to study until 1am+ everyday.. Finally, rest...

Still, study is a must... 2 Biology papers on Tuesday... But I doubt I can study much.. My concentration and focus is gone after I used them up for Add Maths... Well, at least I got a better result in Add Maths.. Hehe...

Off to enjoy my time of relaxation before torture...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Arrrghh!! Teacher!!

Pn. Zurina did in fact scared me... Well, she promised to SMS my Add Math results at night. I waited, and it came in the afternoon.

All it said was, 33 do better in paper 2... That's all.. What a shock I got.. I was like what?? Noo... I'm going to get 40+ again... But then 2 hours later, another SMS came.. Then she said, 55 very good.. I gave a louder What? Then I'm so uncertain of my marks...

I asked her which of it is my mark, she say ohh, the latest.. Wow... Great teacher she is.. She not only sent you your marks first hand, she gives update too!! Hehe...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's over

It's gone, it's over, it's history!!! Rejoice Form 3's the 5 days of hardship and weeks of stress is over!!! Kesian the Mandarin takers, still hav two papers after everyone else are already celebrating...

Ahahah... Go out... Play... And run around like wild kids... Tear your books and burn them!!! Ahahaha... NO la, don't be so violent.. hehe...

While you people had finished your papers, our exams continues... Eventhough we started together, you all end one and a half week earlier... We are so jealous of you people... Are exams are still on even when the afternoon sessions had started theirs...

While you all count 2 down, 11 to go... I am like, 2 down and 21 more to go.. See the torture?? Ahh!!

I guess it's congrat's to all form 3's... You made it...

As for my papers, I have this feeling that it's over.. Gone for them... Bye papers...

You people yelled and screamed when you finish..
Our cheer will be 3 times the amplitude of yours..
Keep you ears open on the last day.. hehe..

Friday, October 9, 2009


To express my deep sense of failure, I made this post.

To remember something and forget something so easy.... And it's a simple equation somemore... What a failure I am for not being able to at least think of the by-products... Why didn't think of water as a by-product?? Ahh!!!

The worst is that Mr Yap.... Make me lose my record and 2 marks which one wouldn't have lost if he had at least the mind to think what is wrong with the instruction given. salts is my best chapther and so far zero mistakes... Until Yap came along.. Argghh...



Once again I can't remember the exact content for this post... But I'm quite sure it has something to do with my exams... Ahaha... and something else.. Hehe~~

Hmm... Maybe I'm trying to say that sejarah 2 was horrible and BM 2 is a killer because I didn't study? Or perhaps I'm expressing my sadness over BI 2 which I also didn't study.. hehe... All the languages were neglected becaue I wanted to wake up early in the morning to study, but didn't wake up.. hehe.. Or was it Chemistry paper 2.. Gasp* The horror... I better not get lower than 75 for this paper.

The last possiblity is Biology 3. I guess it wasn't so bad... Maybe I'll just loose a few marks here and there and total up and become a killer... Ahaha.. Everything now is a killer...

Ehh no.. Wait!! I remember now.. It's Chem.. haha.. Yes indeed it was sad... I lost two of my records... First, my zero silly, easy chemical equation error... Secondly, I also lost my zero salt question error..

Hmmpphh!! All thanks to Mr. Yap!!! Come in my class come the change in question on the board blindly without thinking that it does make sense... Then boom... I was suppose to change anion to cation, but because the order does not make sense, I continued to test for anion... And my first mistake is done... Noo...

Terrible... Failure...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In Time Doom Comes

People always say, time flies when you're enjoying yourself... While I guess I've been enjoying myself most of the time throughout the year... Besides a few unpleasant incident~~

And it's exam time!!! Yay!! NOoo... It's horrible... So many papers.. Such a long time of stress... Not good for health.. hehe... Well, guess have to study hard and get good marks!!

Well, at least we're not the only ones.. We have the dear Form 3's to accompany us!! Ahahaha.. You know, you Form 3's actually no need to stress yourself out that much... It's going to be a piece of cake.. hehe... But then we'll be abandoned half way through because the Form 3's end 2 and a half weeks earlier.. Sniff***

It's ok... Just prepare yourselves for doom....

Thank You

Indeed I must express my deepest gratitude to someone that is dear to me. Thank you for the sms that you sent me. =)

If you didn't send me that sms I'm gone. Well, it's been two and a half weeks since you last sent me a sms, hehe... Eventhough this one is just a normal one concerning PMR but it saved me. I think I was studying Sejarah chapter 6,7 or 9 then I got tired, so I laid my head on my bed. You know what usually happens right? Hehe.. And... I dreamt and was half awake. Then Brrinng!!! I woke up!! And didn't fall asleep again until 1am. Haha..

If you didn't choose to sms me, I'm a goner in Sejarah... I won't be able to finish studying it... So ya... Thank you very much.. Hehe.. =)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Something terrible and depressing must have happened today...

But I forgot what happened... This is what you get for putting up post tiltles and only typing the contents 2 and a half weeks later... Hehe... Lesson learnt..

Since it's titled failure, I think I failed to do something today. It could be anything... I can't remember.. Must be something to someone special...

I failed to remember what I failed.. Hehe... Well there's a failure....

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow

Life is just a walking shadow, or so at least that's what William Shakespeare says. Things done will be washed away in time. Events unpredictable. Actions unseen. That's life...

What will happen tomorrow? How about the day after tomorrow... Does life goes on? Or everything you know totally annihilated with armageddon. Will you be doing the same old routine, or something just come about and changes you. Tomorrow is just so insecure.

Don't you just miss the one you love. The beauty of your eye, the centre of your attention. Ever wonder why you could be close at times, miles away the next second. Things changes things. This day the distance between you and her is nil, laughter and chats, tomorrow, total silence. There are always two ways of looking at things that happens between you and her, you point and her point of view. You think she's the closest friend you have, tomorrow, she did something or nothing, you feel she does not understand you at all, not able to feel you. What will she do, a dilemma you've been thrown into. What will she do tomorrow??

For a moment you thought you have achieved something great.... The next, someone take it away from you. People of bad deeds will do things you can never imagine. You know them as a friend today, tomorrow, they back stab and attack you. Things is how things goes out there. The world full of bad, evil and conspiracy. Today you're the same team, tomorrow, those under you work with those above you find a way for you to be out. You're totally stripped naked of things you once possessed. Tomorrow....

In things you do, you try to be true. Put in the things you've known and make it work. After doing so, out of the hall, relieved and assured. Hours later in tomorrow, then you realise it's not so well after all. Things you have not glanced, error you made, things that changed will all sum up and bring you down. All hope is lost. The bird has lost it's wings. What a shame, what disgrace.. High hopes you have, all stumbled right before you. Left you nothing... All is but lost in tomorrow...

Tomorrow is unpredictable, unprecedented, inevitable... All that you can do, the best you can do, don't hesitate, do it. For as tomorrow comes, chance might be gone. Know but this, opportunity only knocks once. Be prepared of what you want to do for chance favours the prepared mind. Meet tomorrow with your shield up, defend your future. Hope shall be restored. As tomorrow comes, are you ready???

Written by:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

T-minus 13 days, 5 hours, 47 mins

Students we have a problem.....

It is T-minus 13 days, 5 hours, and 47mins left till launch... The launch has been moved forward in our state... While the others are at the end or October... Aren't we lucky?? Not..... Why?

That's the time left till the launching of EXAMS!!! Ahhh!!! PMR and end-term... Ahhh!! I think I should revisit my past and bring back my studying mood... Gosh, It's so terrible... Form 4 is just... wow....

I still remember last year... I put in so much effort to study and do exercises... Yet I take it nice and easy with minimum stress... Well, PMR is easy... So to all Form 3's, relax... Don't get too stressed over PMR. It's very easy. So chill a bit, don't make yourself go crazy. If you stress like crazy over it, after PMR you might just feel foolish because it's not as hard as you expected.

Now... Form 4.. Haiyo... A lot of things to memorise... A lot of things to practise and to understand.. I can really die... The bad thing is, I'm not in the mood for it. Even if I am, the commitment is not there, I'll just get distracted. I have to cover Chemistry, Physics, Biology and History at least by this week... So many things to remember... And so many equations to know.. AHHHH!!!! It's like 3.104 times 10 to the power of 10 pascals in me now...

The smart people of course will say it's as easy as pie. And must get 1A for every subjects only they will be satisfied. That is so not for me... Haha... Guess I'll have to study harder and spend more time doing exercises... Add. Maths, ahh!!
Are you studying?
Is that the reason why?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

Hey!!! Selamat Hari Raya!!! I wish all my Muslim friends a great day ahead...

After one whole month of Ramadan, the day has come!! Enjoy people... It's the day you should be merry....

Hope you will have a great day celebrating... And wish a safe journey home.

Selamat Hari Raya~

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tell Me

Chain of uncertain events could proof depressing.... Or so at least that's how I feel.....
After on Wednesday's incident, I already feel a bit weird I must say. Plus Thursday, that is a real depressor. Indeed I do feel very depressed, but I guess there's no way that I can fix this.
Is it me or is it you? Who's fault is it? Who's responsible for this? Am I suppose to clarify? Or are you suppose to tell me first? I guess this will never be answered.
I must continue this journey of the depressed alone....
Why did all this happened? You stopped what you have been doing for 2 weeks... I feel weird if you don't.
Tell me.... What's going on.... You might not think there's anything. But I do. So..... Tell Me.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


All right people... Exams are looming near... Stress is building... Raya's coming... I'm sure all of us could use sometime off... Or so at least that's what the ministry of education thinks...

This coming Friday has been declared as a holiday for all schools... Yay!! 1 extra holiday for us!! More free time to relax, and to study of course...

Anything good will always has it's bad side... Well, less two moral periods to ask about moral... The essential and vital classes of physics will be gone too.... Haiz... Our mamak tea break will be canceled I think... No CF too.. Sad... I am pretty much looking forward to it... Ohh, there is a good behind all this, no sejarah quiz on chapter 7 this Friday... Haha...

Ohh well, what has been implemented can't be reversed. I guess I'll juz hav to make the best out of it... Some of the holidays might be revoked though.....

*Stayed back again to do PA stuff. It marks the starting of the second week. One week anniversary!!*

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Doom is the word indeed... My class just got hold of the timetable for out end term exams... A little earlier than other class.

It is not a good thing to see... 11 days, 3 weeks of exams... All those subjects that everyone are afraid to be failling seems to come out first... And of course all wriiten exams are in front, which leaves only 2 days for objectives... How hell like is it?? May be not for those smart people, thry won't understand this kind of feeling.. hehe..

The exam starts with sejarah, ends with sejarah... Wow... It is as though that sejarah is a VIP... And thanks to 2 smart persons, my good friends, who got 100 for add maths, add maths of end term will be 3 times harder.. So better buck up people!! We must show teacher that no matter what she throws at us, we will still win. Get a 100 and prove to her that she can't prevent us from getting 100.... haha...

I better go load up my ammunitions and get ready for war!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

A lovely day it is.... A great testimony too I must say.... It's another day where we PA dudes stayed back to do some checking and to repair the spoilt stuff.

So David and I went to that sacred PA room of ours and start off with our task. We basically took out everything and testing everything, one at a time. We set up Betsy and Honey and of course Fluffy. Then we started testing the XLRs and followed by the jacks. It was a lengthy process but we had to make sure.

Then we start with the repair process. We took out the speakers and checked every one of them. We had to open up the speakers too... By doing this we found a problem to one of the Volcano speakers: wires not connected, hahaha* , solution: solder it back! Then the other Volcano was super tight that it spoilt the screw driver.. haha...

I spent a whole half an hour checking the wireless and can't find any problem. We even broke of the wires while checking.. hehe... Shh..
This is the testimony: After checking for so long, I was about to give up already. Got so tired checking for some problem that I don't know. After screwing the cover of the reciever back, I prayed. With half-confidence, but I prayed a simple prayer."Lord please make this thing work!!" At that moment I noticed something, the socket was tapped. So, I was wondering could it be a socket connection problem? Unlikely. But I checked. Indeed it was it! The two wires was not even connected. Amazing... God actually helped to identify the problem!! After screwing, it worked perfectly!! Praise God!!

We manage to check all the wires... Repaired a jack, the Volcano and the wireless mics reciever. What an achievement. This stay has been truely fruitful... We are so happy that we solved the problems... What a wonderful day...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I feel so disappointed today... Things that are not expected to happen and caused by a source that I never wished.

So ya... But it got better afterwards... The feeling was unbearable, I felt as if my heart is going to burst and brains with be squashed. Luckily it worked out... I hope that will not happen again. It's very awkward and uncertain.

Hmm.. So I'm not that disappointed anymore... So I shall get a little off topic...

Dodge ball!! Don't you just love it... And ya... it's different from the one that the form 3's are playing. But the main objective of the games is the same, you throw the ball at the opponent! Haha... 4A and 4I's games is always so fun of excitement. With both teams cheering with every dodge or a hit, the environment is really exciting. Every now and then, there will be someone that will dodge a ball with a 'stunt' or improvise the game. For example, we are not allowed to take the ball that had rolled into the enemy's place, so a 'dead' person will just go there and kick the ball back to us. Haha... And we won!!

Haha... Disappointment , excitement is all just a feeling that everyone will experience. Perhaps I should try not to be so down when disappointments come.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

What A Joke

Ahahahaha... Yo listen up y'all!!! This post is dedicated to the annoying person that had suddenly decided to play a fool in my chat box... I'm not amused..
This comes after numerous warnings so you must be responsible... A wise choice that is... Now hear this, I had enough of your lies, foul-mouth language.... It's very rude too... Not to mention disturbing... So would you please, bi-sexual person with two personalities or perhaps more, stop pretending and get to the point... Don't ever use dirty or foul words in my blog. Talk sense please... Ohh, and work up your comprehension skills please I can't tolerate it, if I say something you answer it, don't go off the point... That's chatting...
Take this as an ultimatum to you... Viet Cong... Stop terrorising my chat box... If not, I'll have no choice to disclose Durian's matter in public and as well as spreading it... Ohh, and who you are too... You may continue to chat here as long there's no accusations, foul languages and mind your manners...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Librarian's Trip

The Librarian's Trip was indeed a good one... A bus full of students and librarians alike ohh not to forget the awesome teachers set of to Batu Caves early in the morning... Everyone is full of enthusiasm and anticipation for the adventures they we are going to have there in the Dark Caves~~

There we met this professional guide who is also the cave warden, he lead us on our tour... He is a very resourceful man, he gave us all the information about caves as we move on.... There we see fascinating stone formations as well as living things inside. Cockroaches, centipede were the creatures that made the girls go ewww... The only downside is that there's a mess up with the trip, we're supposed to go for the adventurous one not educational, but let's just absorb what we learn and love nature more...

Then we went to McD to eat... We occupied the section behind the slides and we filled our tables with trays of food and drinks.. After having our lunch we set of for Royal Selangor followed by a visit to Cocoa Boutique. We're amazed at how the pewter deco were made, the man power, the skills need, it's just incredible.. Everything there had to be done by hand with only machine to make their task a bit easier... We were all amazed.. Too bad I wasn't able to buy anything from Royal Selangor the cheapest logical thing to buy costs around RM120.. Wow...Runs*
There we saw a Swan which costs around RM300,000.. Runs faster* At the Cocoa Boutique, finally we get to buy something, the prices of the chocolates are reasonable and have various flavours. Ohh... They have chocolate sculpture too!!

We had fun that day... But I think we had fun in the bus more than at the places that we visited. Why? Easy, the gang at the back, my gang, decided to play dare... So the poor fellow that got it, had to do all sorts of dares in the bus. The dares ranged from singing with the bus' mic to dancing to the music, from flirting with guys/girls to strip dancing. Ya... You can imagine... Haha..
But we all had fun and it's a day to remember...

Ohh a gang of us comprising of 3 girls and 3 guys went to Tropicana Mall to watch a movie then we had dinner there.. It was a lovely time thank you people...

Friday, August 7, 2009


What a day... Today's date is execptionally special, so as the day itself... The date itself had exposed that the day will be great.

Indeed, today is CF Installation(AGM). Today was a very fateful day. The old committee stepped down =( awwhh... We were given Kinder Bueno and a book as a sign of appreciation. And the CF Comm. 08/09 was prayed for by Pn. Carol. They it's the moment that everyone has been waiting for... The announcement of CF Comm. 09/10. The special thing about last year's AGM and this year's is that it is on a day with a special date. Last year's was on 08.08.08 Haha... Congrats to all the new committee members... I got Form 5 Rep, somehow it makes me feel very old... Hehe... But I'm glad that I'll still be able to serve next year despite SPM. Then Pn. Julie prayed for all of us. CF ended with a bang by singing 2 praise songs lead by Wai Yan and Elaine.
CF Comm. 09/10, I think there will be a committee meeting next Friday after CF.

We went to cendol today after recess meeting, not mamak. We had a whale of a time there, with Le On joining us for the first time, he thought there will be training which it did not took place. We ate in the newly built hut. Then everyone got hyper and started playing the see-saw. We tried to balance it while standing on top. Haha... Everyone got very hyper in attempt to balance the see-saw. Ohh, and thanks to Le On my backside hurts, he jumped up and down on the see-saw while I'm enjoying sitting up there. Joanne went for a try but she nearly flew off the see-saw!! Haha... Then we tried tilted moonwalk while we walked up the slide... It was fun..

Ohh, Elaine got super hyper today too... She was saying, this is what you get after a CF Comm. member stepped down, they go wild!! Therefore I name this event, CF Comm Stepping Down Hyper Party.

Monday, August 3, 2009


As you all know, the H1N1 virus is getting more wide spread know in our country... One shouldn't be too surprised when more and more people falls sick, more and more school close down...

It's pretty sad... Half of the school is officially sick... Students are being sent home if they are found to have flu symptoms. I happen to have recovered from my flu, but the cough is still there... Haiz... Then so many of my friends fell sick too... Glad to have you back, for a while, Phei Fern and Jo Yee... Ohh nice to see you too Eli..

With so many people falling sick and people coming back to school with slight flu, I couldn't help think that there will be a flu outbreak in our school... Perhaps it has already started. It's about time I think, that someone that is sick go get a swab to test for the flu. This is to ensure the safety of the students and so that something can be done to stop the outbreak immediately.(Close school!!)

It is also weird that the PBSM room would be close to anyone with fever or headache that wishes to rest inside. Shouldn't it be more like an isolation room?? Ohh and not to cause mass hysteria or anything havoc, it seems that there are 3 person in our school have gotten the flu. It haven't been confirmed yet, and I don't think it ever will be.... Guess we will have to just struggle and live on...

Friday, July 31, 2009


Sickness is all around us.... Looks like a lot of people is falling sick too. I myself had fell sick on Wednesday, yet I went to school on Thursday just to finish my BM lisan. Ain't I good. Haha. Well, I didn't get to prepare much, just sat down and started elaborating on the notes I've written oh so long ago. Good thing is that I've got an A, that's one good news when all is down..

Ahah!! Skipped school today for the first time. I'm proud of it.. Hehe... Well, I do miss my friends in school. A whole day without seeing them, talking to them, listening to their laughter. It's a bit weird because this is not on a usual basis. I guess we all better have enough rest to recover or to prevent sickness. I do hope that nothing serious will happen in school.

Hmmm... I'm sick too because someone else made me sick. Did I do anything to you that you must do this?? Or perhaps someone is too sensitive that they actually read people's blogs to know what they are thinking... Or.... Someone 'leaked'... Wonder who ehh??

I wish all those that are sick to make a full recovery soon.. I hope that there will not be a flu outbreak in school....

And I am proud that my theory and statement is true. Indeed back-stabbing had been introduced. Please see my third last post in July.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Future is a very dangerous word. You'll never know what will happen in the future. All might seem well, at the blink of an eye, things might change. This might be due to natural or human means.

Natural means will be one that will really catch you off guard. Mother nature might just kick in and spoil everything. Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis are the examples. Things might also happen by God's will. God will never harm us, eventhough the happenings seem painful, there will be a good behind it. It's understandable, tolerable.

Human means on the other hand is much more painful and harder to comprehend. The human brain is much more complex and will change according to it's surroundings. This leaves human the most dangerous race on the face of earth. You can't judge a book by it's cover. People might be extremely kind on the outside, but it is the inside that we should be scared of. You will never know why suddenly your best friend will do something that will hurt you. Betrayal. Back-stabbing.

What scare us more is that you think you know that person well, then again, they suddenly will do something that you can't expect. This will really scare us. Never get too attached or trust too much on someone, unless they are reliable. Even if they did, they are the ones that will not hurt you that deep.

Be sure that you have a heart of steel with a warm core... Stand firm against the unprecedented future....

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Hmm... Thursday.... I can't really remember what actually happened on this particular day... I wouldn't have posted about this day if it wasn't high in value. Something important in this road of life, a mark, that's what it is.

But, I wouldn't have forgotten what it is about if it is very special. Perhaps I'm getting a bit forgetful these days. Besides, no matter what event or incident it is, I'm sure it can't match the intensity of that happening.

It could be about volleyball, homework, friends, or even something that I have not done before.. Whatever it is... It happened on this very day, a Thursday...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Durian Season

Heya!!! In the blink of an eye it's durian season again..... Durians durians everywhere... Stalls bloom up on the sides of the road. The scent of durians is in the air again...

It must be the season because our very Durian is active once again. My head will be spinning again... I must confess I don't really like durians. Nonetheless, same goes for Durian. Some people actually said that there is actually durian smell from Durian...

The DCA was brought in once again to investigate 3 counts of lies that Durian had committed.

First count, Durian was found guilty for misinforming people again.-- Durian told a friend about Tantan, and Durian make it sounds like that they are together. What a lie....
Second count, Durian was found guilty for distorting the truth.-- Durian told a 4J person that Durain liked Tantan, but decided to break up with Tantan because Tantan was too flirty. The councilers present was disgusted because Tantan never liked Durian nor did Tantan was with Durian. *Durian is so torny and looked appalling, and round*
Third count was a lying count, Durian was found guilty.-- Durian wanted to 'flirt' with Wine... Durian asked Tantan for Wine's number but Tantan refuses. Durian told Tantan that Durian's brother was Wine's good friend and had told Wine that Durian had a boyfriend. *Hah!!!!* After asking Wine, Tantan found out that Wine does not know Durians brother. Therefore, Durian was found guilty for lying.... Again...

Recently Durian has been staying in school from Monday to Friday all of a sudden. Durian was seen mixing with a Form 5 and 6 girl, chatting with guys whenever the opportunity comes. Known as a extremely active or perhaps 'fertile' Durian, people must keep themselves away to prevent themselves from falling into more of Durian's lies and conspiracy. Looks like Durian is up to something. Durian was seen chit chatting very closely with the afternoon sessions as well, hope that they will not be used for Durian's own gain.

The DCA had issued a warning to all- To beware of Durian..... Keep your distance..... Durian changes words like a girl changes her clothes...

Monday, July 20, 2009


Ungu lost to Merah in volleyball??? What?? How did that happen?? Well, I don't know either... They might win the other matches though....

Whatttt????!!!! Netball lose 2 game somemore??? School team players weii~~~ It's really unexpected... Even they themselves were shocked... Perhaps it's just some mistakes...

Hmm... I don't know how is the badminton going on... But I do hope it's ok... Now that Ungu's most strong games had suffer a tragic lost, may be they will be able to win in the other matches...

Good luck!!! Don't be too upset or demoralised... Continue to fight!!! All the best... Go Ungu!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Period of Uncertainty

Run.. Run... An escape from depression is really great... It's just what I need... This is when I turn to my friends.. However, one silly mistake that I've done, changed everything.

Perhaps it seems ordinary, it in fact affected the person, who decided to retaliate, and wants to beat me in my own game. But this has changed things, I know none of us is actually guilty, but none of us is innocent. This left our relationship or perhaps you all prefer, friendship, shaky and unstable. At anytime a gush of wind could just break the line....

What a fool I am, to think that people should feel pity and give way for me.. I'm a bit self-centered after that tragic incident.. My desperate escape from depression, anger, and unsatisfaction has lead me to a plunge to the Land of Uncertainty...

I couldn't have a friend that will be nice, and suddenly bad to me... It will just make me keep thinking about things.. And perhaps make me regret of my actions. Friends are my important assets... I really do treasure them. A wind of change came and changed everything. I'm always the one lending a hand, shoulder to anyone that needs it, always to comfort, support and encourage people... Now it seems I'm the one that needs it..

Then again, my emotions now had aligned with that relationship, friendship of mine... One will affect the other... Both is linked together now... I do hope all this never did happened... But what's done is done, what follows is inevitable...

All I can do now is hope for the best and work towards the future... Somehow if I laugh or joke with people, it's just temporary... Not long after I'll be haunted by the feeling again. A feeling that I can't describe... It has bitter, sour taste altogether.. A chef's experiment disaster.. A total jumble up of mixed feelings served on a dish. It has the taste of regret, sadness, disappointment, sorrow topped with a sauce of anger and sprinkles of hope...

I hope things will get better... All I can do for my friends out there, is to be strong, dependent and unaffected... I might be numb and dull abit sometimes... But I'm sure that my Lord will somehow manage to restore hope and give me strength to move on... Perhaps He can turn the tides... Until then, all the best!! =)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Prefect's Day

Sorry I posted this so late... On Wednesday, it's our school's Prefect's Installation!!! Yay!!! The good thing is that the whole form 4 and lower 6 were invited!!! Yay!! Skip class~~

It started with the coming of the deputy OCPD... Then speeches... Very long speeches.... Then prefects were called up to the stage to be either installed or be awarded for their services... Then we were to leave the hall... We were like what..? NO fair... We can't see the performances...

However, being me... the mischievous me couldn't just let it go by without me attending... Just a simple explanation to my teacher, teacher agreed to let me out for a while, even without permission... Ahem** So I went there with my camera, acting like one of the photographer's... After taking the first two performances which is Form 1 & 2 dance and a chinese song by Si Rou and Wai Loan, I gave my camera to Jeshua to help me record... *So if I ever upload any videos and you think it's shaky, it's Jeshua*

Then, I went to McD to join the prefects upon two persons approval.. There I go... The I saw Jia Wei almost got hit by a car...(No details) It was awesome there.... Everyone had so much fun there, mingling with each other and doing silly stuff... Haha.... Then it's time to go back... Everyone said goodbye... And went back to their respective homes..

There was a very disturbing event that had caused me much suffering... Since it's not related to this topic I've put it in the previous post..

Photos will be uploaded as soon as I have the mood to do so... Videos as well...

P/s This would most probably be my last normal post... After this, this blog will be dedicated to my weeks of sadness and in reference to the popular subject... Emo-ness...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster!!! Wheeee~~ That's the normal expression of a person going on a roller coaster... The moment you are up there, adrenaline will fill your veins and give you the excitement...

In my life, I'll always last and this week as the week when my school has a roller coaster....


But the one I'm talking about is not the roller coaster you've seen... It's one that can't be seen, but experienced... My life is like a roller coaster right now... It's all been going up the early year, even until RKA Day, it's still going up... However, little that I know, that was already the peak before the real ride begins...

The 'thrill' started with the all so exciting day when the new BOD's were announced... I know my mood very bad, I thank those that are tolerant with me. During that week, there were up's and down's... At least, my friends were very supportive and were there to comfort me... It's been ok... Only that this very incident left a permanent mark on me... I get easily angered nowadays, and very easy to be annoyed and ignore people....

Then it's been ok until today.. Haiz... All was well, until after McD.... I did something that I might regret forever... That is I ignored one of my close friends of a while... Because of this the person got angry and decided to ignore me also... Until now, the situation is not stable yet... Probably more 'thrills' ahead...

The two most difficult week for me in my whole entire time in my school... Haiz....

P/s Never ignore someone that is important to you... You might have just accidentally offended them without knowing...

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Excuses.... They are just mere reasons made up to divert the blame or to escape from a responsibility.... I'm sure everyone had gave excuses to someone before, sometime in their lives,

Yes... I have launched my plan.... Not as evil as I thought I would be... Plainly because I was called at a time when I'm cool. I've said what I've wanted to say, may be I left out some points or some accusations and information, but after hearing what the other someone had to say, I just don't feel like saying anything at all.

I take the explanation as an excuse... It was not very satisfying, for it was derived from the original question... In the end, the mystery was only half solved... Somehow IT gave me the feeling of being left out of the loop, not answering to my stripped of responsibility and did not answer my question exactly how I wanted.

I gave IT my opinion but IT stays rooted firmly on the grounds that the support is there behind them.. I can further say no more... A position is what IT can give, but the deal is not sweet and I am not cheap... I do hope the brick wall will fall apart by itself.. Not by attack, but from within.. A vote of no confidence, quarrels, disagreement and dismissal will only then the wall be brought down.

But then again, this wall is the vital defence of the citizens within.. If this wall should fall, all would be lost.. Since the wall was built by you all, it is your responsibility to maintain it.. But Enemies are at your gate, like I said before, strive to survive... It's up to you whether you can pull it off and fortify the city...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


In life, you will often find yourself in a position where you do not know what to do... You will just into blank space, will your brain process your next course of action.

That's reality, that's what will happen in life... Sometimes, things will also seem to be very down for you... Sometimes you will feel depressed... You just feel that life has let you down. That's my position right now.... In spite of all the unhappy things that is happening, I still will try to put a smile on my face. This is when I found that having friends really help..

Then again, I still can't make up my mind yet... Shall I be good or bad... I asked my friends, they say be good. But after thinking for a while what had happened, I don't think good will be the answer. It's a totally different question actually, shall I be bad or evil...

Hmmm... Which path??

What ever my answer will be, it must be made.. today..... For tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will initiate my plan... Sorry folks, I've thought about it, recent events have also been taken into account.... I just have to say this, my next course of action is inevitable.... I hope I will not go too far...

All the best~~

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I would not have imagined that my 60th post will be about this.... Then again.. May be it's a coincidence.. Well, life is depressing~~ Most probally people is getting their life long wish, while my little one can't even be achieved... Sigh~

Ladies and gentlemen.... I hereby, on this depressing day of July, sadly announce the new BOD for PBSM SL (Y) 76.... I hope you will be extremely glad to know the new BOD, for you can plan to skip PBSM meetings early...

President--HSL Gan Kah Keng
Vice President--SL Lee Shi Min
Vice President--SL Low Siew Yan
Secretary--SL Lee Mindy
Asstitant Secretary--ASL Ng May Kwan
Tressurer-- SL Felicia Lee
Assitant Tressurer--ASL Ching Jo-Shua
Quater Master--SL Yap Wei Lin
Assitant Quater Master-- ASL Lim Hong Wei
Membership Director--ASL Goh Jia Ern
Marching Director--ASL Edwin Sam
Training Director-- ASL Chiam Yin Chuan
Rooming Director--ASL Gai Kok Chong
Assitant Rooming Director--ASL Lim Yin Yan
Project and Activity Director-- ASL Hong Han Xiang
First Aid Director--ASL' Stephanie Tay
Afternoon Representative-- Kar Ming
Form 3 Rep. -- Leow Zhan Yeh
Form 4 Rep. --Lee Chow Xin
Form 5 and 6 Rep. -- Joyce Lum
There you go folks..... These are your new leaders.... You might wonder why certain people had dissappeared, feel free to ask me WHY.... To the dear readers and the doughnut apple man naughty BOD's, there are actually some fault in the BOD's appointment. Don't worry, your post WILL remain.. But this will still be a controversial subject, like I said, there were many faults in the appointment... I do really feel like making it obvious... So that people will know..
A word of advise to the BOD's------ Please work together closely, have tolerance towards each other... People are not prefect, tolerate please.... Ohh and there will be a lot of fire coming your way, and many difficulties ahead, so please solve it together.. You all have been given a big Board, so please make the full use out of it....
A word of advice to everyone out there------ Don't join a society that is full of politics... Please save yourself the trouble and go join something better... Scouts or Pandu Puteri perhaps.... Politics have been around for 3 years now... Plus back-stabbing has been introduced... And also ignoring and stripping you of from your privilledge and rights... Therefore, please save yourself the trouble.
To the new BOD's... Strive to survive.... I wish you the worst of luck and if we shall meet again, it will be too soon.... Anymore details on the controlversial part, please ask me..

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Woopps... It's Sunday again.... That means, tomorrow's..... Monday??!

Ahhhhh!!!! It's Monday again!!! Monday Blues.... Things are not done, things are not prepared. How am I going to survive this week?? Nothing too interesting in the coming week.... It's back to the old boring time.... But I still have tons of work to catch up!!!

Ahh.... How am I going to survive the teacher's onslaught... Better go buy Class 4 bullet-proof vest.. Haha... Perhaps a 9mm sub machine gun, .50 caliber machine gun, .44 magnum, grenades, claymore, stingers and flash bangs... With this, I think you will be able to imagine the intensity of fire that I will get..

Then again, there are some things I just cannot let go... So no matter how much of workloads I have, I will still make time to do. Perhaps this is a kind of relaxation for me in such a desperate time....

I hope there will be something interesting in this week so that I can post about it... Until then.... BATTLE STATIONS!!!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Hmm... Today wasn't such a bad day... Might be a bit tiring and emo-ish in the morning... But it's not bad in the afternoon.

Why?? Because I get to annoy or perhaps irritate Melancholy Lancer... Haha... You might call it revenge, or perhaps 'amusement'... I got so amused at that time while everything was a bit emo-ish.. I just have a great time irritating her, and seeing her expression. Especially, when she is trying to control her anger... Haha...

She try to make me angry and irritated.. But, it seems that whatever she says, I am able to counter it back... Then she got even angrier.. Haha... Then she started to tear a piece of paper.. So happen that the paper have some information and it's a Form 4 moral project paper. So I told her it could be Shower's or Jennie's and it's needed for SPM. This is the most amusing part. She put the paper together piece by piece and tape it together... While doing so, she got more frustrated.. Haha.. Sorry Exciting Wonder that you have to chill her down and got stuck in the middle of the argument.. Hehe..

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Update update!!!
1 July-- RKA Day/ Blood Donation Day
Canadian Independence Day
4 July-- Librarians' Installation/ Prefect's High Tea
America's Independence Day
11 July-- Prefect's AGM
15 July-- Prefect's Installation
Still to be updated......

Monday, June 29, 2009


I just come to know that... Hilary didn't purposely block me while marching... There's a culprit behind this act which resulted Hilary became a victim of my shouting. The master mind is.... Esutaa~~

Mmhmm... It's all because of her.... Poor Hilary... A innocent child accused of something done by a evil master mind... Haha.... She blocked my way plainly because Esutaa pushed her... Then how coincidentally that I'm not in a good mood... So ya... Yelled in her ear... Sorryy...

Well, of course Hilary you can quickly walk away.... But you didn't, instead you walked gracefully and triumphantly in front of me. So I have no choice to yell...

Anyway, I want to apologise to Hilary that I yelled in her ear. Hope I didn't hurt your eardrums.. Hehe..

To my lovely friend,

I'm sorry, Hilary.... Please forgive me...

Therefore, I dedicate my 56th post to you as an apology.. =)

P/s Esutaa.... Beware.. I shall do to you double the magnitude..

Friday, June 26, 2009


Ahaha... Marching's over!!! What's done is done... Nothing else... So it's time to go out relax and enjoy!!! Yay!! So I'm going to SS2 KFC with the lovely CF-ers...

This is one time where there were so many of us there fellowshipping with each other... We all really had a great time there... More pictures below....=)

Art lesson!!!! Blue + Yellow = Green

Colourful people!!!

Girls going hyper!!!

What are these people laughing at??

Tada~~ Wai Yan's apprentice LOL

Everyone cheese!!!

After this, Joel and I decided to walk all the way back to our home. It doen't matter now, because we are both tanned.. Haha.. We decided to make a stop at McD to grab an ice cream and to see who's there... And we saw......

These pretty girls!!! (Yew Leung is there but not inside)

Sports Day

What a exciting day it is for the students of SMK Taman SEA... It is the day of our school's 33rd Sports Day!!!! The students were full of anticipation for this day.

At 5am, students were already seen entering the school compound... Be it for decorations or marching, the students had really put in all their effort to make sure their respective houses or uniform body will get the fame and glory. PBSM and green house were the earliest. At 7.30, attendance were taken, and the marchers were all getting ready at the multi-purpose court. I must admit, all the marchers looked extremely smart today.

Suddenly, the court became quiet, that's because the national anthem is being sung. As usual, there were many different timings... Then, it all began. The commanders were giving their last advice and their word of encouragement. Then, the court became dead. The first break of the silence were these familiar words" Squad, dari kiri, CEPAT JALAN!! " Then, all the marching teams went out to battle one by one. Every marcher were shouting on top of their voices as the do their formation.

After the marching, The H.M. delivered her very long speech.. This was followed by the opening speech from a representative from PPD. Then, an oath was lead by the athletic captain. Every participant sincerely took this oath. Then, the school flag was handed over from the athletic captain to the Head Prefect and was handed to the scouts to be raised. The school song was sung. Then the moment that the marchers were all waiting for, pembarisan keluar padang.

Then, the events started. Everyone was cheering for their own house. Cheers and shoutings were heard all over the field. Then I noticed something, those form 3s just like to disturb people. If they disturb me, it doesn't really matter.. They were like talking loudly and distracting my first-aiders. I scolded them and chased them off. Hah!

Skipping the craps... Then, the climax of Sports Day has come. The announcement of winners. First, the winners of events were called and were given their medals by the H.M. Then, deco and marching winners were announced. Finally, the climax of the climax..... The winners of uniform body marching.....
3rd-- PBSM!! Yay!!!
2nd-- Scouts!! You did great with your dance.
1st-- Police Cadets??!!

After this, the winning house, GREEN!! (As usual) And runner up, BLUE!!!
Just like last year.......

Now my personal place... I am quite shocked that the Guides did not win.... They seriously were good... I personally think they should get first.(After seeing recorded footage) I still wonder, is fate fate?? Or fate is whatever you make it.... And grrr..... I officially am pissed by Melancholy Lancer... Grr.... The attitude... I'm sorry if I threw tantrum at some of you form 3 today, but you should start knowing that you should not always cari pasal... (I'm sure you know what I mean)

And to the lovely girls from the Girl Guides, I'm sorry if I yelled my timing too loud... You all should me more alert, especially when a whole marching team is coming up behind you... I'm sorry I have to yell so that you all will actually start to notice our presence and stop talking about what happened during marching. And to the lovely Ranger Leader, Hilary, Sorry that I shouted my timing right into your ear.. Hehe... Seriously, I'm a bit angry at that time because your people is blocking my way. And you should not purposely get in my way.. Lastly, thank you Chia Sing and Jia Wei for your support. =)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Why?? Why?? Why?? Why did this happen to purple house?? You know what happened? The purple house's Flag, deco, and caps were all gone!!!

If the caps and deco are gone, well it's just too bad, because it's just a lost of money and property.. However, the Flag is also gone!!! What in the world?? How can a house not have a flag on Sports day.

I have to run around the whole day today to help Pn. Chin to find the Flag. Man, it is soooo tiring... Accompanying me was Rachel and Fui Swen. Then, half way through the search, where hope is almost gone, Pn Zakiah called me to help her carry stuff.. A opportunity is at hand, I seized it and asked her where could it be. She said all the seni stuff had been moved to a special room at the hall.

The Quest Of The Lost Key is not a easy one.. We went to find Pn. Yip, she say she gave the key to Pn. Norna, who is on leave. Then we went back to ask Pn. Chin what to do. Then, she say ask Pn. Yip who else might have it. So we went back to Pn. Yip, she say ask Pn. Norlia. We were like what?? Then she say Pn. Norlia K.B. Kemanusiaan, she should have it... So we went around the school again searching for Pn. Norlia. When we found her, she say she has to attend a meeting and told us to ask Pn. Norna's replacement, Pn. Azizah(something like that). Then she say she tak ada... Arrgghhh..... It is like what you see in the movies, people running around trying to find something.. Haiz....

In the end, En. Saufi was able to find a blank purple flag around noon... So Fui Swen, Sook Mun and Rachel (The Three Roses lol) decided to stay back after school to draw and paint a new flag. Well, I did not stop there, I went to ask for the key from H.M. and Pn. Ang helped half way through... But still no luck..

But, the Three Roses were able to finish drawing the flag. They will be painting it and spraying a lekar layer to waterproof it tomorrow... Until then.. Bye~~