Sunday, July 12, 2009


Excuses.... They are just mere reasons made up to divert the blame or to escape from a responsibility.... I'm sure everyone had gave excuses to someone before, sometime in their lives,

Yes... I have launched my plan.... Not as evil as I thought I would be... Plainly because I was called at a time when I'm cool. I've said what I've wanted to say, may be I left out some points or some accusations and information, but after hearing what the other someone had to say, I just don't feel like saying anything at all.

I take the explanation as an excuse... It was not very satisfying, for it was derived from the original question... In the end, the mystery was only half solved... Somehow IT gave me the feeling of being left out of the loop, not answering to my stripped of responsibility and did not answer my question exactly how I wanted.

I gave IT my opinion but IT stays rooted firmly on the grounds that the support is there behind them.. I can further say no more... A position is what IT can give, but the deal is not sweet and I am not cheap... I do hope the brick wall will fall apart by itself.. Not by attack, but from within.. A vote of no confidence, quarrels, disagreement and dismissal will only then the wall be brought down.

But then again, this wall is the vital defence of the citizens within.. If this wall should fall, all would be lost.. Since the wall was built by you all, it is your responsibility to maintain it.. But Enemies are at your gate, like I said before, strive to survive... It's up to you whether you can pull it off and fortify the city...

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