Sunday, May 24, 2009

SPBT Malacca Trip

Once upon a time... There were ten students and three teachers seen in SMK Taman SEA on one fateful saturday.... They were there to embark on a historical trip to the historical city, Malacca.

The trip was organised by the district SPBT head and three school is involved in this 'lawatan sambil belajar'. Next, they went to gather at SMK Lembah Subang and later boarded the bus and embarked on their journey...It took quite a long time I guess, but they had fun chatting in the bus... Then finally, SMK SRI BEMBAN!!!

They had reached at their destination. They were greeted by the headmaster of the school, SPBT teachers and also the Pengawas SPBT. They were led to a conference room, which immediately made them feel ad they are MP's, because of the way they arrange the tables. There were mics too!! There were a opening ceremony kind of thing. They also found out the school's SPBT won the 2007 Best SPBT BOSS (or Second) in Malaysia.

After that, the Pengawas SPBT showed them their BOSS. WOW!! It is like a living room!! Everything is so clean and well organised... They even manage their SPBT books electronically. Now it that is what we should look onto. Besides that, the school is HUGE!!! There are two long roads connecting two sides of the school, the school is on a 'tebing', so it goes lower and lower. Between the blocks, there are beautiful gardens.. And the amazing thing is, they name all their gardens, 'anjung', 'taman', 'laluan', etc. For example, Anjung Budi, Anjung Patriotisme, Laluan SPBT, Laluan Kadet Polis, Taman Seri Budi, Taman PBSM and Taman Pandu Puteri. They even have a music room!! And the feild is HUGE too!! Looking down from the canteen you can see the field strecthing from one far end to another.. After that, our district representatives went to enjoy a lovely lunch in some sort of hall. After exchanging gifts, they left.

Then our fellow friends were taken to Malacca city!! They spent time walking around in the shopping centre. After that, they got bored and went to A' Famosa and all the way up to St. Paul's Church. Then, they hurrily rushed back to the bus. In the bus, they had a fun time making funny sings about amanda. Half an hour later, half of the people on the bus were asleep. They returned back to the starting point at around 7.25pm. Everyone is happy with the trip for its has been a benifictual and interesting trip. They were all hopping for another trip of the same kind..

Narative written by: AARON ( One of the representatives of Petaling Utama for the trip)

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