Monday, March 23, 2009

Dramatic Assembly

As usual we had our assembly today.... But it is not an ordinary assembly, it's different than the normal ones that we have every Monday..

Well, it is different in two ways... Good and Bad. The good one is that they gave away the medal and trophies for the MSSD athletes.. And announced that our school is the overall champion school. Out of the 40+ athletes 31 will be going for MSSS tomorrow. Yay!!! That's the good thing...

Now the bad one.... As the assembly drags pass the time limit, more and more people started to feel dizzy and the two first aid post were full. Then there were this two girls that that were supporting each other making their way to the first aid post. Both of them were not feeling well. While they are going up the stairs one of them tripped and fell down, bring the other friend along. Everyone there were stricken. The girl that was more serious in both fainting and from the falling was brought to the PBSM room until her mother came..

Man... NOw I know that I will need more first aid members on duty, especially the girls.. And don't drag the assembly time anymore, it's fatal. And to all the students, please eat breakfast!!

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